Guilty pleasure!
I was recently with friends in Germany. I got a cake there for breakfast, it was not a cake, but that is how it felt from chia seed, linseed, fruit curd and homemade jam.m.
Ever since, I often make a modified version for myself on a Sunday morning.
Guitlty pleasure What do you mean Sounds fine anywayma?
Well, I like to make this breakfast with flavored soy yogurt.
And that contains twice as much sugar as low-fat quark.
But I've been eating low-fat cottage cheese for breakfast all week, so I want something different at the weekend. And I am and always will be a sweet tooth.
Unfortunately, unlike our friends in Germany, I don't have any fruit trees in the garden so I use frozen summer fruit from AH.
Why not fresh blueberries, raspberries Firstly, I think that is quite expensive and secondly, the frozen version releases a nice juice that you can enjoy stirring through the soy yogurt!en!)
Now I immediately think of another reason why I don't use low-fat cottage cheese for this breakfast. All in all, it becomes a bit too sour for my taste. If you like that, make it especially with low-fat cottage cheese.
In the picture I did not use linseed because it had just run out. But I always use this. A bag of linseed costs no turd and is such a good product to promote your health. It is a source of omega 3 fatty acids, the good ones and they are pure fiber, which is great for the condition of your intestines. Make sure you always buy a bag of whole flaxseed that you crush in a mortar at home before use. Whole flax seeds have a hard exterior and will therefore leave your body unused. Which is of course very unfortunate because then you miss out on all the valuable nutrients of linseed. Linseed that you buy in the store in broken form, however, has already lost its valuable nutrients through oxidation when it comes into contact with oxygen.oren.
Chia seeds nowadays don't cost anything anymore and I love them. I love the structure and these are also very health-promoting. They are also a source of omega 3 fatty acids and also help to keep your intestines in good condition. Fifteen minutes before you want to eat them, put a tablespoon of chia seeds in a bowl and add enough water to cover the seeds. After fifteen minutes a kind of gelatinous substance has formed around the seeds. You transfer the seeds with the jelly into another bowl. The excess water remains in the other bowl.
I buy Provamel soy yogurt. I buy it at Ekoplaza. It is a bit more expensive than Alpro's soy yoghurt. But Provamel claims they use fermented soybeans for their yogurt. Environmentally and hormonally it is better to choose products from fermented than from non-fermented soybeans. Alpro consists of non-fermented soybeans. Even if you want to eat meat substitutes more often, it is advisable not to only take products made from soybeans. But I'll write about that another time.
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